Mougins British Secondary School
Secondary school is an exciting time in a child’s life, when they begin to feel ‘grown up’, taking on more responsibility for their own learning and really developing their skills and interests.
Secondary school in the British system is made up of Key Stages 3, 4, and 5. The compulsory phase of secondary education culminates in the IGCSE exams. After this, students can go on to study for A-levels or BTEC qualifications. Along with preparing for these all-important exams, our secondary courses are designed to equip students with the critical thinking skills they need to become proactive, confident members of society.
We believe in teaching pupils good manners, etiquette and respect, and expect them to behave appropriately both within and outside of the school gates. We cultivate self-motivation and independence, and acknowledge and reward individual achievement in the academic, cultural and sporting fields.
Subjects are taught in English (with the exception of foreign language lessons), and we encourage creativity and cooperation in all lessons. Additionally we believe that responsibility and self-discipline are essential tools for the personal and academic development of every student.
Study trips to destinations such as Barcelona, London, Krakow and Berlin provide pupils with international experiences and the opportunity to put lessons learned into historical, scientific and cultural context.
Tutor Groups
All students in the secondary school are assigned to one of two tutor groups for each year group. Tutor groups meet every morning for ten minutes before lessons begin. The Form Tutor is the first point of contact for students entering secondary school from primary and they play a vital role in the first weeks of orientation and settling in.
The class tutor will continue to provide support, pastoral care and advice throughout the school year, and should always be the first point of contact between home and school. At the end of each year parents meet with the assigned tutor for the upcoming year to discuss individual progress and needs. In this way we make sure that well-informed and sympathetic support is given to each child.
A welcome from the Head of Secondary
"I often say to students that we are only ever really proud of achievements that started off as challenges. In other words, successful completion of the easy tasks in life can sometimes be underwhelming. In secondary school, students will face many challenges: subjects they may initially find taxing, Thrive programmes that tempt them out of their comfort zone, and the ever-present hurdle of making some short term sacrifices to secure future success.
Our teachers are utterly dedicated to supporting, nurturing, and encouraging our students to be their best selves, to aim higher and higher each day, and, crucially, that they thoroughly enjoy school doing so. As students march off into ever more diverse and in-depth studies in various subjects, we are committed to connecting their experiences through our research-led approaches to learning and teaching, engaging interdisciplinary projects, and ensuring that at the heart of their school life they live our values of Respect, Integrity, Learning, and Community.
At Mougins School, there is a genuine drive to ensure that every student discovers, uncovers and unlocks their potential to grow both academically and socially. We are immensely proud of our students’ successes and know how much we can truly achieve when we strive together as teachers, students, and families, to create an authentic partnership."
Paul Michael,
Head of Secondary School
We believe in teaching pupils good manners, etiquette and respect.