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Mougins School

The Learning Curve

Body Confidence
  • Secondary Matters
Robert Cooke

Dear Parents and Students

We wish you all a very Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true for 2023. This term in positive Education we will be launching a Globeducate Project on Body Confidence. This is an initiative to highlight to our students the importance of a positive self image and to help students understand the challenges of both physical and mental well being in life. 

The programme is over six weeks and students will learn about:

  • Good health and well-being
  • The importance of physical exercise
  • The impact of social media on how people think of themselves
  • Strategies to deal with stress and how to build resilience
  • How to promote self-esteem and confidence in oneself
  • The causes and triggers with unhealthy coping strategies, such as self harm and eating disorders.
  • The value of positive and healthy relationships

Every year in our school, we as teachers encounter students who suffer from low self esteem and poor confidence. We hope that this project will help to give our students a better understanding of themselves and give them healthy coping strategies that will help to improve their confidence.

We would ask all our students and parents to help us in promoting healthy life habits that will improve how our students see themselves. Being kind and helpful is the most essential for a child growing up today in a world where social media invades all aspects of our lives. I would like to thank you for your help and support in this important Globeducate project.



Body Confidence lessons

You are beautiful


Mr Robert Cooke
Head of Pastoral and Safeguarding

  • Secondary