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Mougins School: Primary School Student Council 2022-2023
  • Primary Matters
Christine Bearman

Last Friday I met with all the students in Year 6 to discuss nominations for this academic year’s Student Council elections. We discussed the key roles and responsibilities of the four key positions. If interested in any of the positions they were encouraged to write a manifesto to present in our weekly assembly. All primary children are then able to vote.

On Monday I will announce the names of those elected by their peers to represent the voice of the Primary students at MBIS.

Here is a little information about the Student Council, its role and our expectations of the councillors. 

What is a Student Council?

A Student Council is a group of children who have been elected by their peers to represent their opinions and views on all school matters. Mougins School values the voice of pupils and considers this voice when making any key decisions in the school.
The Student Council is built up of two children from every class. The children put themselves forward. Those with the most votes become the class representatives. 
The executive roles (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary) are for Year 6 students who put themselves forward. The person with the most votes becomes Chair, followed by Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. 
Yesterday those wishing to stand for the positions,  presented themselves and their manifestos to the whole of the Primary School in assembly. This morning all the children in the Primary School began to vote for their preferred candidate.  

What is the role of the Student Council?

The Student Council as a whole has responsibility for: 
Working with the staff, and on occasions with the PTA 
Communicating and consulting with all of the students in the school 
Involving as many students as possible in the activities of the Student Council 
Planning and managing the Student Council’s programme of activities for the year 
Managing and accounting for any funds raised by the Student Council 

What are our expectations of the Student Councillors?

Student Councillors remain on the Student Council for one academic year (from September to July.) During that time we ask each the councillor to represent their peers by:

Listening and talking to their classmates  
Attending meetings  
Dealing with, and finding solutions to, student issues  
Managing the Student Council Fund and undertaking fund-raising activities
Promoting the Student Council

We will also this year be expecting our student council to become part of the Eco Schools initiative. 
In short, being a student councillor is both a privilege and a responsibility.

Congratulations to the nine children who presented their manifesto`s in assembly. This can be a difficult and nerve racking experience and I was very proud of their maturity and the thought they had put into their arguments for why they should be elected. 

We hope that all those serving on our School Council enjoy their time as a Student Councillor.

Christine Bearman

Head of Primary

  • Primary